Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Law, Culture And Language Lyrics Of Hate - 1162 Words

IMITOMA Y’URWANGO, OR LANGUAGE LYRICS OF HATE Gilbert Ndahayo PhD French/Francophone Studies Northwestern University ANTHROPOLOGY 378 - LAW, CULTURE AND LANGUAGE Working Proposal Number 1 ï ¿ ¼After its independence in 1962 following the 1959’s Hutu revolution, Rwanda started to recreate its image to assay a new identity. Cultural motifs, historical manipulations and abiding laws were altered and ultimately remade through a new language: a language for the many, spoken by but a few. The French philosopher Jean-Luc Nancy questions the â€Å"legal† practices within a society, specifically in societies that produce new languages and cultures of remembrance in â€Å"The Ground of the Image† (Fordam University Press: annotated edition 2005), â€Å"the image of [genocide] is sacred.†(1) To appeal to officially sanctioned history, an anthropologist perspective of the law is a central element in examining how language has been enlisted throughout the past of any civilization. The work of an anthropologist is to examine how the law has interpreted numerous cultural, historical and political events of varying importance. Further: what is deemed important to be studied and interpreted? In this paper, my study focuses on Simon Bikindi, one of the most famous Rwandan singers, and has two principal aspects. First, I will select and translate some of his Imitoma y’Urwango or â€Å"Language Lyrics of Hate† for the reader to well best appreciate the literariness of the language and its nuances. Second, I willShow MoreRelatedThe Evolution Of The Music Industry1686 Words   |  7 Pages2014). First of all let’s talk about the explicit lyrics with graphic references to sex, drugs, minorities, hate, violence, gays and lesbians that the music industry delivers these days. Should such language be censored or not? Parents are finding it hard to deal with such situation when their children are listening to music they find offensive. 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